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2010 Gil Scott-Heron: Video- "Me & The Devil" It's been 13 years since GSH last dropped an album. "I'm New Here" will be released : February 8, 2010 in the UK | 9th February 2010 in the US 4 a Free download CLICK HERE Dam, I needed this! Seems that the "Last Protest Poet" is raat on time. Peep how he spits verbage in the last minute of this video that actually can apply 2 those being sacrificed @ this very moment!! Track Listing Formats: DELUXE LP XLLP471 (with exclusive bonus material) | CD XLCD471 | Download XLDL471 1. On Coming From A Broken Home(Pt. 1) 2. Me And The Devil 3. I’m New Here 4. Your Soul And Mine 5. Parents (Interlude) 6. I’ll Take Care Of You 7. Being Blessed (interlude) 8. Where Did The Night Go 9. I Was Guided (Interlude) 10. New York Is Killing Me 11. Certain Things (Interlude) 12. Running 13. The Crutch 14. I’ve Been Me (Interlude) 15. On Coming From A Broken Home (Pt. 2) Deluxe LP Bonus Track Listing Side C: 1. Piano Player (Intro) 2. Home Is Where The Hatred Is* 3. Winter In America* Side D: 1. Jazz (Interlude) 2. Is That Jazz* 3. A Place To Go (Interlude) 4. My Cloud (Unreleased exclusive track) Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark


It Aint Trick'n if U Got It... It Ain't Looting When Ur DYING!!" The 1st Law of Man is SELF-PRESERVATION. You don't eat or drink die!! (PERIOD) I'm not even sure 2 start with this 1 cause since childhood i've had a low tolerance 4 bullshit. Ok ..I've been so broken as far as the crisis in Haiti, that I could only give every dime I could spare (and I ONLY TRUST WYCLEF)and stay glued 2 my monitor and TV, 'til i've made myself physically sick from lack of sleep...BUT, I am safe and alive..and so is my family, et toi? I wanna break down so many things, but 1st and foremost..I was never bamboozeled nor hoodwinked! A sista never believed 4 a milli-second that A-Merry-KKK was trying 2 recover any living Haitian buried in cement. Most pre-school kids know that our government strategically waited 4 the dying 2 die. C'mon now..WHEN did the U.S. - TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN BROKE AZZ PPL...Ev-VER!!?? I'm not even gonna trip on Obama cause he never once said he was gonna help black people, and stayed as far away from any person, place or group that associated him with even the possibility of --> being onboard 2 help black ppl a bit more than the last 40 something presidents. His speeches were more about bailing out the poor and the working class citizens..ooops? Think about I pray yaw are stay'n woke! 1. We are in a RECESSION caused by A-Merry-iKKKas GREED 2. The POOR Immigrants that are already here are in the process of being evicted 3. Haitians ain't NEVER BEEN WELCOME on our soil! 4. We are also involved in 2 wars that have broken the bank (well, actually bailed out and made the banks riichhh beyotch!) know1 is talking about how much of this is the Clinton's administrations fault 4 actually contributing 2 faulty home building materials stacked on top of each other like childrens bunk beds? You must destroy in order 2 re-build...especially when its prime Gulf property that can easily be turned in2 luxury timeshares. (blank stare) God Bless the Hatians that actually have enuff energy 2 scavenge 4 anything needed after not having a single scrap of food nor a drop of drinking water...shiiit, it won't even rain. How dare any1 of you sick muthafuckaz call animal instincts or the mere struggle 2 simply..survive.. "LOOTING" The media should be glad they still have shoes, microphones and they can still take pictures. but if your mother was laying on the ground and is dying from dehydration, your Father is dead.. all your neighbors that you shared a less than potluck meal with last night are now piled up atop of each other rotting in 1000 degree weather and it seems every fly within a billion mile radius is giving birth 2 their little baby maggets n your dead 1 year old childs mouth 2 make sure they have..what?-(((FOOD))) ..So they can have FOOD 4 survival from day 1, What would you do? Dam right! "IT AINT LOOTING WHEN UR DYING!!" The black and poor teach the meaning of civilization once again! Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark


*ATTENTION GENTLEMEN*.. "Nuvo Is 4 Women, U Sissies!!" Gentlemen, here lies the truth about NUVO. .. i've been turned off on the whole Nuvo craze that'z some how seduced alot of the male persuasion and by putt'n itz mack down in the clubs while becoming the backdrop 4 most RnB and hip-hop videos n' the past year and sum CHANGE. As if the erryday self-proclaimed hater of all women whom surrounds himself with other men made from the same cloth, njoi'n the view of each others boxer shorts while complimenting members of their crew on 6 pax and muscle structure was'nt suspect enuff... ? Wuz reallly hood? Now MORE THAN A FEW OF U sissies are openly glorifying a pink BOttle, again --> A PINK BOTTLE filled with a PINK substance composed of spring water, vodka, sparkling French wine n' strawberry and peach nectars. Again.. (*blank stare*) Gentlemans Jack is called that 4 a reason, right? 4 MEN Nuvo is the.."NOT COLA" This past weekend I watched bottles of Nuvo being passed around in a lounge by brothers like it was cherished some private stock of Glenlevit. Their appearances suddenly dimmed like light as they became that much more .. ..soft & sweet. If you did'nt know Nuvo was originally SPECIFICALLY marketed to 2 WOMEN. (as it reads on the company's site) The bottle was intentionally made 2 resemble a perfume bottle and YES itz still shaped like a tube of lipstick. It's best served over ice in a champagne flute. Let'z not 4get a portion from each bottle of it'z proceeds go directly to women's causes. Their 1st bottles displayed the words "For Her". Later the company removed the "For Her" print. *Click Image 4 Larger View* (The last line on the bottle says "For Her") ok, so itz 15% percent alcohol, not much more than a bottle of Chardonnay or Pinot Noir, perfect 4 a bachelorette or bridal shower instead of the far played out & overrated cosmopolitian. Actually, my nother loves it, n' i bet Barbie and Hello Kitty probably drink this while sharing tapas during happy hour..hahaha! It'z the kinda drink that a man sends over 2 a woman that's his attention, it'z not what a woman wants 2 see a dude drinking because visually he goes from "Clark Kent 2 Girlie Man"- -Beautiful Chocolate 2 CHOCOLATE BUNNY SO NOT SEXY So would you lost azz guyz stop acting like ur so dam tilted off NUVO, Or @ least hide the bottle and stop boasting 'bout it like Miss Piggy. It'z made 4 Women..U sissies! (*apply X-CLAN Voice*) SERIOUSLY. Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark


He Knocked U T.F. Out! Bruce Lee -vs- Iron Man When I was like 4 my oldest brother had his bedroom walls completely cover with scotch taped applied posters of Bruce Lee, this video is bananaz!

Shouts @ Patrick Boivin! Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark

..THE STR8 DOPE: Download: "Act ZERO" If you just wanna vibe on some of that perfectly mixed pheel guud, peep beautiful game.. its called ACT 2.5 "ACT O", it'z an infusion of a lil' Mos and the nastiness of Jay Electronica. I must say it'z FIYYAH! LISTEN and DOWNLOAD: "Act Zero" - HERE Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark
USHER's 2010 NBA All-Star Game Commercial- "MORE" Usher teams up with TNT Sports to promote the 2010 NBA All-Star Game on February 14 Since CBreezy is obviously still being black balled, Usher gets a chance 2 get his 1's up. Not that he's close 2 bankrupt or anythang, letz remember he's still part owner of the Cleveland Cav$. Mr. Raymond mirrors a few of ur favorite NBA players dance moves on this tune called "MORE"..pretty cool. $Cha-ching! Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark
"I'm Not The Only 1 Peep'n Obama's Wack Azz Policies?" Danny Glover Pictures, Images and Photos Yaw know the 30,000 troops, health care policies and Obama's noble peace prize award were even the biggest debates @ the kids table on Xmas. Whuz really good Prez-O? We did'nt expect the worlds evolution 2 begin on ur 1st year in..but the policies ur aligning will knock our withering economy further n2 deficit 4 a loong time. Look it's all ego down when families are without work, food and shelter, and the the bread lines are quickly running outta wheat and white. Seems the Actor slash activist Danny Glover aint digg'n Prez-O's politrix EITHER. Check it: “I think the Obama administration has followed the same playbook, to a large extent, almost verbatim, as the Bush administration. I don’t see anything different,” the activist movie actor said of Obama’s policies in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Middle East. “On the domestic side, look here: What’s so clear is that this country from the outset is projecting the interests of wealth and property. Look at the bailout of Wall Street. Why not the bailout of Main Street?” “He may be just a different face, and that face may happen to be black—and if it were Hillary Clinton, it would happen to be a woman,” says Danny Glover. “But what choices do they have within the structure?” More in sorrow than in anger, Glover went on: There are no choices out there. He may be just a different face, and that face may happen to be black—and if it were Hillary Clinton, it would happen to be a woman—but what choices do they have within the structure?” What choice does he have— in four years, eight years? Let’s just call a spade a spade. Really. Glover is obviously among the many U.S. citizens who are @ the beginning stages of realizing that the smell of A-merry-KKKaz greed and bullshit really isn't likely 2 CHANGE @ all. Read The Rest Of This Story @ Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark
"Returns From Get'n Grounded".. Peace Beautiful People. It'z a must that you and I play catch up. Yep, been off the air 4 a while now and after get'n full off the beautiful things ya muzak, enthusistic chefs, good wine and the company of a few good men, sometimes creates the worst kinda anticipation, the kind that gets off on the thought of the possibilty of exchang'n the nastiest mental molestation eva! I'm on tilt, so..letz do this! Sorta bananaz how the neva' translatable visuals of the universe make you really begin 2 realize that man ain't created a dam thang possible of mind phuk'n you better than the kinda latenight tourism that possibly consists of a bit 2 much misbehaving, when simply try'na take time 2 inhale the scent of flowers that kinda sorta do smell like boo boo. Point being, a sista had 2 place the pretty feet on the concrete and get grounded. "Pretty feet hit the concrete ear 2 the ground 2 hear the sound of the street - or the earth 4 what itz worth" B4 I left I wuz like... "Plz creator of all things rated X, PLEASE let the hiatis be flat out original, and it wuz. Look I'm try'na practice patience by balancing the inner wit' the outter all while waving 2 the people, but whatz better than doing whatever u want @ any moment? Exactly. Seems 2 be just enuff unbelievably ree-tarr-did -ish in our society that we humans actually feel the need 2 capture those moments immediately. Digitally of course. So we'll definately be hitt'n yaw with some of that pure insanity later this week. Trust. - Oh, and need I say.."I'm Baa-ack!" Q:Antidote 4 the madness? A: "Stop the WORLD and just get off" Um, so whatz the "New Beautiful?" Photo Credit: Art by Alison Brady Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark

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