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It Aint Trick'n if U Got It... It Ain't Looting When Ur DYING!!" The 1st Law of Man is SELF-PRESERVATION. You don't eat or drink die!! (PERIOD) I'm not even sure 2 start with this 1 cause since childhood i've had a low tolerance 4 bullshit. Ok ..I've been so broken as far as the crisis in Haiti, that I could only give every dime I could spare (and I ONLY TRUST WYCLEF)and stay glued 2 my monitor and TV, 'til i've made myself physically sick from lack of sleep...BUT, I am safe and alive..and so is my family, et toi? I wanna break down so many things, but 1st and foremost..I was never bamboozeled nor hoodwinked! A sista never believed 4 a milli-second that A-Merry-KKK was trying 2 recover any living Haitian buried in cement. Most pre-school kids know that our government strategically waited 4 the dying 2 die. C'mon now..WHEN did the U.S. - TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN BROKE AZZ PPL...Ev-VER!!?? I'm not even gonna trip on Obama cause he never once said he was gonna help black people, and stayed as far away from any person, place or group that associated him with even the possibility of --> being onboard 2 help black ppl a bit more than the last 40 something presidents. His speeches were more about bailing out the poor and the working class citizens..ooops? Think about I pray yaw are stay'n woke! 1. We are in a RECESSION caused by A-Merry-iKKKas GREED 2. The POOR Immigrants that are already here are in the process of being evicted 3. Haitians ain't NEVER BEEN WELCOME on our soil! 4. We are also involved in 2 wars that have broken the bank (well, actually bailed out and made the banks riichhh beyotch!) know1 is talking about how much of this is the Clinton's administrations fault 4 actually contributing 2 faulty home building materials stacked on top of each other like childrens bunk beds? You must destroy in order 2 re-build...especially when its prime Gulf property that can easily be turned in2 luxury timeshares. (blank stare) God Bless the Hatians that actually have enuff energy 2 scavenge 4 anything needed after not having a single scrap of food nor a drop of drinking water...shiiit, it won't even rain. How dare any1 of you sick muthafuckaz call animal instincts or the mere struggle 2 simply..survive.. "LOOTING" The media should be glad they still have shoes, microphones and they can still take pictures. but if your mother was laying on the ground and is dying from dehydration, your Father is dead.. all your neighbors that you shared a less than potluck meal with last night are now piled up atop of each other rotting in 1000 degree weather and it seems every fly within a billion mile radius is giving birth 2 their little baby maggets n your dead 1 year old childs mouth 2 make sure they have..what?-(((FOOD))) ..So they can have FOOD 4 survival from day 1, What would you do? Dam right! "IT AINT LOOTING WHEN UR DYING!!" The black and poor teach the meaning of civilization once again! Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark

1 comment:

Jay Midnyte said...

That's what I'm talkin bout!

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