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"Returns From Get'n Grounded".. Peace Beautiful People. It'z a must that you and I play catch up. Yep, been off the air 4 a while now and after get'n full off the beautiful things ya muzak, enthusistic chefs, good wine and the company of a few good men, sometimes creates the worst kinda anticipation, the kind that gets off on the thought of the possibilty of exchang'n the nastiest mental molestation eva! I'm on tilt, so..letz do this! Sorta bananaz how the neva' translatable visuals of the universe make you really begin 2 realize that man ain't created a dam thang possible of mind phuk'n you better than the kinda latenight tourism that possibly consists of a bit 2 much misbehaving, when simply try'na take time 2 inhale the scent of flowers that kinda sorta do smell like boo boo. Point being, a sista had 2 place the pretty feet on the concrete and get grounded. "Pretty feet hit the concrete ear 2 the ground 2 hear the sound of the street - or the earth 4 what itz worth" B4 I left I wuz like... "Plz creator of all things rated X, PLEASE let the hiatis be flat out original, and it wuz. Look I'm try'na practice patience by balancing the inner wit' the outter all while waving 2 the people, but whatz better than doing whatever u want @ any moment? Exactly. Seems 2 be just enuff unbelievably ree-tarr-did -ish in our society that we humans actually feel the need 2 capture those moments immediately. Digitally of course. So we'll definately be hitt'n yaw with some of that pure insanity later this week. Trust. - Oh, and need I say.."I'm Baa-ack!" Q:Antidote 4 the madness? A: "Stop the WORLD and just get off" Um, so whatz the "New Beautiful?" Photo Credit: Art by Alison Brady Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark

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