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"I'm Not The Only 1 Peep'n Obama's Wack Azz Policies?" Danny Glover Pictures, Images and Photos Yaw know the 30,000 troops, health care policies and Obama's noble peace prize award were even the biggest debates @ the kids table on Xmas. Whuz really good Prez-O? We did'nt expect the worlds evolution 2 begin on ur 1st year in..but the policies ur aligning will knock our withering economy further n2 deficit 4 a loong time. Look it's all ego down when families are without work, food and shelter, and the the bread lines are quickly running outta wheat and white. Seems the Actor slash activist Danny Glover aint digg'n Prez-O's politrix EITHER. Check it: “I think the Obama administration has followed the same playbook, to a large extent, almost verbatim, as the Bush administration. I don’t see anything different,” the activist movie actor said of Obama’s policies in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Middle East. “On the domestic side, look here: What’s so clear is that this country from the outset is projecting the interests of wealth and property. Look at the bailout of Wall Street. Why not the bailout of Main Street?” “He may be just a different face, and that face may happen to be black—and if it were Hillary Clinton, it would happen to be a woman,” says Danny Glover. “But what choices do they have within the structure?” More in sorrow than in anger, Glover went on: There are no choices out there. He may be just a different face, and that face may happen to be black—and if it were Hillary Clinton, it would happen to be a woman—but what choices do they have within the structure?” What choice does he have— in four years, eight years? Let’s just call a spade a spade. Really. Glover is obviously among the many U.S. citizens who are @ the beginning stages of realizing that the smell of A-merry-KKKaz greed and bullshit really isn't likely 2 CHANGE @ all. Read The Rest Of This Story @ Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark

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