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Trouble In Paradise ..a real look inside the Obamas marriage

In the new book that came out called Barack and Michelle:"Portrait of an American Marriage", The author recaps the First Couple’s relationship ups and downs before their marriage and after. . A NY Post writer reports from the book: ================================================================ "On more than one occasion, Barack tried not to look startled when some random woman in the crowd would grasp him firmly by the derriere — and sometimes try to hold on.” After an appearance in Peoria, Ill., the future president slid into the back of his SUV, and allegedly said, “Jesus, I wish they’d stop grabbing my ass.” “Michelle, understandably was not amused,” Andersen writes. He quotes her as saying, “ I want to tell these women, ‘Back off. Get a life.’ It’s just embarrassing, that’s all.”=================================================================== The book relates, “Michelle knew that all the unseemly fawning nourished Barack’s admittedly already oversized ego. ‘He’s loving it,’ she muttered at one point. ‘He’s a man, isn’t he?’ Once again, she resorted to giving him the silent treatment.” .. reportedly Michelle never doubted his fidelity. But during the beginning of their marriage (it took him getting an almost ultimatum from Michelle for him to propose allegedly),. =================================================================== A nagging concern she wasn’t afraid to share with him directly - and repeatedly - was that he seemed willing to put politics ahead of the family. “You only think about yourself,” she would say to him again and again in a tone dripping with disdain. “I never thought I’d have to raise a family alone.” Barack, convinced that whatever time he devoted to his career would ultimately benefit his wife and daughter, shrugged off the criticism. “Barack just doesn’t seem to care what I think,” a frustrated Michelle complained to her mother, Marian Robinson. “He can be so selfish - and I just can’t get through to him that we’re supposed to be in this together.” At one point, she went so far as to question whether, after eight years of marriage, their days as a couple were numbered. For his part, Barack was also fed up with reprimands that he felt were “petty and unfair.” Barack thought it odd that Michelle complained about being saddled with most of the child-care responsibilities, since for years she had been heartbroken over not being able to conceive. After four years of trying, she had talked to friends about fertility clinics So stick it out yaw.. anything worth having is worth working 4. Create something BEAUTIFUL! Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark

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