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16 YEAR OLD MURDERED ON CAMERA (WARNING : Video of actual murder)

"I stared @ the TV screen in silence outraged and painfuly helpless. Why did'nt any1 hit me and tell me? In my city... Chicago aka The Murder CAPITAL of the World 30 children have already been murdered since the day school started (less than 3 weeks ago) ..."When did GOD DIE?"... I have'nt been starved. 16 YR old Honor roll student Derrion Albert was brutally beaten.. after being knocKed out @ this point I'm so beyond being fed up with Nigga Shit! My people ain't scarred 2 feed me extra helpings of a false sense of reality in a big ass chain, They've never been afraid 2 call me b4 a summer tyme bbq or the beginning of the fall theatre season and have always failed 2 understand why its not ok ta even think it's ok ta' hook a sista up with that beautiful coward that does'nt understand he's really being a hoe 4 his pimp -- the camerman. but how could he understand..? he does'nt know --who he is in the first place. The savage murder of a 16 year old brotha had been filmed by just erryday brotha, who happened 2 be picking hiz lil sista up from school. THE CAMERA MAN WAS GIVEN 300 ddollars, he'd just caught a MURDER on tape.. ..The paparazzi gets 20, ooo a shot - of a celeb walking there poodle...(shrugs) Derrion was an honor student on his way home from a community center. Pay attention 2 the babies in book bags try'na cross the street , not mentally mature enuff ,,what 2 do when such a thang occurs. -- LIKE I AM. It was hard 2 watch cause there were ppl everywhere, fighting, screaming, running...(KINDA LIKE A pRINCE SONG) then there was the 2 by 4 that a gangmember picked us 2 hit what looked like anyone that looked unfamilar...but I hit the 16 year old kid who had his back turned over the head.. He falls in slow motion, 1 more young brotha swings landing a punch 2 his temple b4 he even hits the concrete. Now yaw know the rule, if they fall..drop a few more blowz n then stump him. Chicago aka The Murder CAPITAL of the World, 30 children have already been murdered since the day scholl started (less than 3 weeks ago) 16 YR old Honor roll student Derrion Albert was brutally beaten.. after being knocKed the fu*k out @ this point I'm so beyond being fed up with Nigga Shit! I'm sick of the system. I'm sick of the Government that hides behind the system they created. I'm sick of cowards that were made from leaders..yet won't throw a egg at a omelete fight!! I'm sick of cowardly men who show no reflection of manhood while CHILDREN terrorize their own communities. ..and leave their mothers, wives , senior citizens and chidren in a warzone 2 DIE. I'm sick hip hop niggas who are praised 4 putting diamonds on birthday cakes..just like the women they refer 2 as bitches.. lets only add 2 the stereotypical imagery of what niggas do...project a false sense of reality to the poor people in their own communities. I'm sick of poverty being legal. I'm sick of praying. I'M SICK OF THE PUNK PIGS who are allowed 2 kill the ppl in our communities..but are never there 2 protect them. I'm sick of adults who can't focus on any 1 thang that matters. This weekend all I could think of as far as this beating goes is..his mother did her part, This kid was a str8 A STUDENT LIVING IN A GHETTO. He was obviously focused Where was his know the guy that was supposed 2 teach him not 2 jump in2 someone elses fight when theres a mob of 30 to fight against? Where were are those niggaz fathers who savagely beat him 2 death? ...and is there even any coming back from that mindset? I'm sick of people celebrating ignorance. aka NIGGA SHIT!! This is a way 2 get mashall law implemented... but they won't do it cause they can save money by letting a certain class of ppl become exstinct. While the government controlled states are like .."so please go ahead and beat each other do death, what yaw need more guns?, crack , liquor stores?.. we can make that happen" "I know his mother is thinking ..if I was'nt born poor...Maybe Derrion would still be ALIVE? I'M SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK & TIRED Where is the 2009 dropsquad proposal. When do we as human beings take control and start fucking these fools up, ..when they kill our babies,friends and family?.. Seriuosly -- just 'til they totally understand it won't be tolerated anymore I'm sick of typing . Whats sad is...THE BABIES try'na cross the street in their backpacks, and the ppl just blowing their horns..they all know.. they are poor brown and helpless The saddest part is: "This is just the 1 incident that got caught on tape" ...."Where My NIGGAS AT NOW?" .STAY WOKE Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark

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