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"Funk Iz The DNA.. ..n' Hip-HOP" Toward a wall mounted television.. I bowed slowly -but w/o hesitance You know how eyes kinda stay in one place, when glued digitally? I DONT Well, not normally- but prolly was the combination of the days demons and that salty & sweet flavor of pre-packaged mindy candy, delivered by some genius picking his afro, that usually answered 2 the title.."DOCTOR." ..Next George Clinton made a sistaz reality seem quite parallel .."The most hated - generation in history are the offspring of.. COMPLETE INSANITY" When in our natural elements we should not be confined. We are what their uncontained sperm produced. Made from that which is raw. Funk is a lifeline, like the innner breeding of when anticipation meets.. "I dont give a phuk and finds spirituality" It'z not just the samples that Hip-Hop has bought and borrowed from funk, it'z the appearance, the attitude, the purple smoking section, the ability 2 develope, define and express 1's own personal ideology and keep it funky! I constantly use the term "Pheel Guud" but I can't even apply that same definition 2 this situation. -So Dr. West & Dr.Funkenstein, government name George Clinton not 2 be confused wit Bill Clinton- (the hemp smoking sax player that does'nt inhale) but they were dropp'n MINDCANDY on The Monique Show! Really? Yes, str8 FUNK! O.K. sis, u should be commended 4 what produced the greatest mental molestation ever! Im sayin' B.E.T. dropped so much history 2nite in a 1 hour time frame, that it was like giving my people confirmation of their 1st repairation check, after putting them emotionally in debt and leaving us a wellfare check away from being flatout.. spiritually bankrupt. Shiid B.E.T. had'nt created a GOOSEBUMP moment since that dude with the green and red eyes, who always looked like was float'n while host'n waaay back in the day. Wha's that brothaz name? That would be Donnie Simpson, from way back when B.E.T. did'nt use it's programming 2 make us weak, but produced the kind of beautiful that would kept us strong! Can't w8 2 ses if more is COMING sOON... but 4 Now, "If you Hear any Noise Its Just ME and the BOYZ!" (*she bows down 2 the talkshow host - MUCH RESPECT MO, get'n ready 2 find some P-FUNK on iTunes*) .PEACE Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark

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