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."The Way WE LIVE" MadeIn America I remember being a kid on christmas, when my older brother unwrapped a x-mas gift from a neighbor down the street. It was a toy gun. Perhaps, she had judged the cover of the book ..but obviously she did'nt know my Mother. My brother ran through the house screaming "bang -bang, Ur dead!" ..while pointing it @ my other brother. My momz quickly sat him down and slowly said 2 my bro.. "Give me the gun", all eyes were on her. She told him that she was going 2 return the gun 2 Ms. MacDonald because guns were NOT toys. Truthfully, @ the time I was 2 young 2 understand and so were my brothers. You may or may NOT understand how sick a society is when "Toys 'R US" has an isle where GUNS are sold 4 mentally un-developed minds 2 use as tools of COMMUNICATION. Im jus say'n...? - -We are trained citizens taught 2 be murderers and victims of violence. Like Soldiers. 1 in 6 adults and almost 1 in 10 children suffer from a diagnosable mental illness. Yet, for many, the stigma associated with the illness, can be as great a challenge as the disease itself. We often just shake our heads as death is a familiar part of our erryday life when living in communities located in a warzone aka GHETTO When ur poor in America 10 times outta 9, you also live in a warzone. You become a victim of combative desensitization. Citizens that have been turned n2 soldiers, soldiers that must quickly adapt 2 rapid gunfire, yellow tape, R.I.P signs, and teddy bears that lay in the spaces where souls escaped from beautiful shells that were once the bodies of LIVING human beings. ..A-Merry-KKK-a would be in a A STATE of EMERGENCY If only the Murdered or Murderers looked more like this... It does'nt take long 2 mentally formulize an opinion on why so many violent tragedies occur in one area. We understand it was a strategically planned project, That's not my major concern, (anymore) but have you ever wondered how will we recover from the dramatic effects of post tramatic depression? What happens 2 the minds of millions once violence and DEATH has become a way of life? When I 1st watched the Derrion Albert tape.. (mind you this goes on in poor areas everyday, this was just 1 incident that was actually caught on tape) there where 2 visions that stuck out the most 2 me. 1ST, were the cars in the middle of the street, that were bob'n and weav'n, blowing horns, yet continuously kept it moving. I'm sure as much as you want 2 help, 1 could quickly become consumed by fear of the very well known.. "Life has no value in the hood". 2nd, I was brokenhearted watching the kids with backpacks trying 2 walk fast, cross the street..some even ran toward the fight and upon arriving in hell, we watched a young girl stop dead in her tracks, cover, her mouth- and stand shell shocked as though her feet could not move, consumed by the painful visuals that sat front and center, but it was 2 late 2 visualize the cozyness of that imitation that screams false sense of reality and vomits a happy ending There begins A WARZONE. Our entire society has been exposed 2 that sickness that registered 2 the CDC and.. classified as a virus, It's 1st week it'd be labeled VIOLENCE but by week #69, 876 it still may not be claimed as intelligence but the N.Y Times front pages read "Capitalization in A-Merry-KKK-a" How does A-Merry-KKK-a capitalize on breeding violence? my hero Pictures, Images and Photos Video Games- Television Cartoons- (*From Bugs Bunny 2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles*) Movies- *Media- , (um, what day is contributed 2 good news?) * MUSIC- ("I TELL'EM F*UCK SCHOOL, Come bang wit us") "When the Majority of a certain class of people have attended more funerals than graduations,..Somethings wrong!". Are Cowboys and Indians OR Cops and Robbers, games that "WE" should be o.k. with children playing? If so, what EXACTLY IS IT TEACHING THEM? Yo Mama, Grandma, & My Father are responsible 4 this..but unfortunately ..these same adults that are the offspring of same culture that teahes this violence. Why is this epidemic ok with the public? Why does it remain untreated? C'mon now.. What's the difference between the U.S. soldier that is sent 2 war, and the communities exposed 2 the continuous dysfunction that promotes the exact violent imagery of a warzone? How do you MENTALLY function without displaying the symptons of some1 that is traumatically shell shocked? Our society is do we get needed treatment? This is where the misconceptions stop. This is where bias comes to an end. This is where we change lives. Because this is where we Bring Change 2 Mind bringchange2mind Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark

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