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"How 2 Make Millions Of RACISTS SICK On The Exact Same Day!" I'm literally shocked that In Just 9 Months Obama has just received the NOBEL pEACE pRIZE in Norway this Morning. Since the war is being extended and Gitmo is still in full affect...itz shocking! This should piss off the Fox News and their supporters and all the xtra Obama haters that have in all ways str8 out dis-respected this President in a manner that no other AMERICAN President has been disrespected. If there were polls on our largest social network, taking votes the question Read : "SHOULD OBAMA BE ASSASSINATED ?"... maybe you'd believe there's a problem with Prez-O? ..Ah the joys of freedom of e-thugg'n.... So right now..seriously @ this very moment conservatives say Obama receiving this prize due 2 affirmative action...hahaaha, DAYYUM REALLY? I've seen some major faults in Obama campaign... but I see some major faults in myself. So feel free 2 apply that platinum race card wherever you wish.

Congrats PREZ-O!! 4 An AMERICAN President 2 receive the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE in 2009? While the whole world is blaming the USA 4 an economic downslide? Either somethings very wrong or something very right? At this moment many Americans are longing for a president who is more THUG and Choir Boy . Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, who won the prize in 1984, said Obama's award shows great things are expected from him in coming years. "It's an award coming near the beginning of the first term of office of a relatively young president that anticipates an even greater contribution towards making our world a safer place for all," Tutu said. "It is an award that speaks to the promise of President Obama's message of hope." Read The Real story HERE Add to GlobalGrind! Share/Bookmark

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