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Whitney On "O" Monday 9/14 Saying: "Bobby Wuz Scurred!" Oprah said:.. "And no topic was off limits, including Whitney's drug use, her marriage to Bobby Brown, and even her fears about returning to the spotlight." TEXT Oprah kicks off the 24th season of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" on Monday, 9/14 with what she says is "the best interview" she's ever done - her one-on-one with Whitney Houston. The last tell-all that Whitney participated in was the infamous 2002 Diane Sawyer "crack is wack" interview that showed a feisty but ill Whitney defending her marriage and lifestyle. Now with her marriage to Bobby Brown over (the divorce finalized in 2007) and her new album "I Look to You" entering the charts at No. 1, Whitney Houston has shed some demons and is ready to get truthful with her fans. Watch: Whitney's Mom Brings the Sheriff Whitney describes the day her mom intervened, showing up at her house with a sheriff, and tells Oprah that Bobby was scared.
Read The Full Article:Oprahs Prayers Answered

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