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"The RAPE GAME @ Hofstra: By A. Liar OK, I'm the 1st person 2 hate any1 calling a female a BITCH..unjustly, BUT obviously they do exist. Last week I was wide awake..and figured i'd step out and hit the BK on campus 4 a red slushy. I could'nt park outside of Burger King cause they do street cleaning between 3 and 6 am, so I parked a couple blocks away and walked. It was around 2:50am and it was packed from the windows 2 the walls just like the nightclubs had just closed and errybody was in need of anythang with grease & cheese on it..2 help soak up the nights liquor.While I was in line one of the Campus police walked by me and said "SISTA BE CAREFUL." The only color inside the joint was the 2 of "US" I was raised 2 "Fear nothing but ALLAH" still..@ that moment I felt like he was saying "be on the lookout 4 an attack by any 1 of these college boys". See it was the same day that the 18-year-old was lured from an on-campus party because one man had stolen her cell phone and lured her to a dorm where he and his friends tied her up in a bathroom stall and ALL 4 MEN assaulted her. I felt the same way I felt while walking alone in MY COMMUNITY the night Obama won..basically if were a super hero, my name would've been "SUPER WOKE" Earlier this day posters where stapled, taped and e-mails were sent OUT 2 ALL STUDENTS, basically saying "Be yo' azz careful..niccaz are even raping black women now" (BLANK STARE) 2day we all learn that this story that will more than likely change the fate of these young brothaz lives. .... "WAS A LIE" While these men Taveras, Felipe, Rondell Bedward, 21, and Jesus Ortiz, 19, were all charged with first-degree rape. They'd been held in lieu of $500,000 bail and faced 25 years in prison if convicted. Bedward was banned from campus and suspended. Plus one attorney said he received a phone calls from a blocked that said "I should keep my f---ing client off the campus. He’s a dead man," said Taveras' lawyer, Victor Daly-Rivera Should these young brothas have used better ethics and judgement..YES! Does America give a blindeye 2 MEN just being MEN when they're being WHORES..YES! DO I think she should receive the sentence they would have received. YES! Look it may sound harsh, but that would've been 100 years between the innocent students let alone it made college campus's a place 4 targeting young male students, (apply the un- mentioned -->here) 4 the rest of their lifes everytime their names are googled this case will come up with their names and RAPE attached. So how valuable is that degree NOW? The lifes of 4 young men and their families far more than SMEARED by a premiscuous chick for 1 HORRIFIC LIE!! Just try 2 google this---> (Danmell Ndonye, picture) Then Google do the same google these brothas..and NUFF SAID. .. some say these men should still be smacked in the face READ THE TRUE STORY HERE . Nassau County DA Kathleen Rice said, "The alleged victim of the sexual assault admitted that the encounter that took place early Sunday morning was consensual. I have launched an immediate criminal investigation into the statements and reports given by the woman in connection with this incident." The student has been identified as Danmell Ndonye.

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