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President Carter: Obama’s A Victim of....RACISM democrat Pictures, Images and Photos When an ELEPHANT is in the room ...say "It's In The DAM ROOM!!" Hats off 2 Former President Jimmy Carter 4 saying Obama is getting hiz ass handed 2 him. Here are some quotes from a man who has earned the right 2 say whatever he wants. "Growing up in Georgia helped him know racism when he sees it, and what President Obama is experiencing, is definitely racism." "I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man," "I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that share the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans." "And that racism inclination still exists. And I think it's bubbled up to the surface because of the belief among many white people, not just in the South but around the country, that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It's an abominable circumstance, and it grieves me and concerns me very deeply." President Carter called Wilson's comment "dastardly" and said that OBAMA should be treated with respect.

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