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Keith Haring Rare COLLECTORS Domino Set Every1 needs a worthy conversation piece, right? Some years ago I was working @ one of the Nations Institute Of Art Museums, (the 1 with sickest Diego Rivera murals ever!) I was a baby balla..whatev's, haha- actually I was working 3 jobs, in2 designer errythang in an obsessive compulsive disorder kinda way, while creating an acquired taste 4 juggling men and having no idea how incredible it was that I was living in my very 1st house @ 19 years old. Anyway, 1 day while @ the Institute one of the founders members aka rich volunteer living off generations of slave money said 2 me.. "How can you afford 2 wear that beautiful Keith Haring blouse?" WHAT? wtf Pictures, Images and Photos I had a 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,.."Oh NO SHE DID'NT moment!" Reminder: @ 19 and full of self.. verbal tact isn't something 1 believes is neccessary and it definately has'nt skillful developed. Though my upbringing was about cultivation- I was so full on 2pac a sista snapped..OOPS! Truth is...I'd never heard of Keith Haring, I just loved art and had an eye 4 expensive things w/o logos. After that day I was a follower of his colorful artistry and have been probably his #1 fan ever since. So believe me if you stop by I'll have this collection piece in some area of my castle proudly displayed like a table book! Pheeling like ..DOMINO MF!(Ice Cube Voice) Now available from Paul Smith. Only 40 EUROS

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