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U.S.Gov Asks 4 An UN-Employment Benefits "EXTENSION" 1ST, I want yaw 2 understand when reading these unemployment "stats".. the #'s are based on the ppl that have actually applied 4 UNEMPLOYMENT Benefits. So think about the # of ppl who have'nt applied due 2 laziness and / or despession, lack of mental stability or transportation funds. Otherwise the census would have no way 2 calculate these figures, right? Now go ahead and feel free 2 add another 10% 2 whatever they say the "stats" are in the article below. These are excerpts were just released briefing the extension on the... WASHINGTON – Despite predictions the Great Recession is running out of steam, the House is taking up emergency legislation this week to help the millions of Americans who see no immediate end to their economic miseries. A bill offered is expected to pass easily would provide 13 weeks of extended unemployment benefits for more than 300,000 jobless people who live in states with unemployment rates of at least 8.5 percent and who are scheduled to run out of benefits by the end of September. The 13-week extension would supplement the 26 weeks of benefits most states offer People from North Carolina to California "have been calling my office to tell me they still cannot find work a year or more after becoming unemployed, and they need some additional help to keep their heads above water," McDermott said. Some 5 million people, about one-third of those on the unemployment list,have been without a job for six months or more, a record since data started being recorded in 1948, according to the research and advocacy group National Employment Law Project. The current state unemployment check is about $300 a week, supplemented by $25 included in the stimulus act. That doesn't go very far when a loaf of bread can cost $2.79 and a gallon of milk $2.72, "We need to keep our unemployed neighbors from falling into poverty. We need to figure out how best to make our safety net work," Baucus said. Read The Full Story HERE

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