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D.C.Snipper DEATH SENTENCE Date Set By LYNCH MOB Just from the picture .. I can tell John Muhammad was judged by a bunch of his peers. (*blank stare*) I will never believe the death penalty should be implimented. No matter how terrible the crime. Why not let some1 just suffer in a cold cell alone, while chasing demons that look like shadows .. continuosly jumping off the wall... until the criminal realizes it's really just a reflection of self..and completely losses it? .. MUHAMMAD WAS GIVEN THE DEATH SENTENCE BASED ON 1 MURDER..he killed 10 ppl..right? Neither "Son of Sam" who killed 6 ppl OR THE "GREEN RIVER KILLER"" who is known even 2day as A-Merry-KKKa's most Notorious Serial Killer, happily murdering 46 ppl. Timothy McVeigh KILLED 161 PLL. what was his sentence? LIFE in PRISION... I'm not surprised by "JUSTICE" hahaha.. I'm WIDE AWAKE! ..MUHAMMAD DID'NT get the JD TREATMENT? Jeffery Dahmer was an WHITE American serial killer SLASH sex offender. Dahmer murdered 17 PPL – most of whom were African or Asian His murders were "ANIMALISTIC" involving rape, torture, dismemberment, necrophilia and cannibalism. NOT GIVEN THE DEATH PENALTY! "I mean..let 'em jus sit til the 1st stages of beg'n 4 death begin, and the terrorizer ..REALIZES, they must live in their very own CEMETARY called MEMORIES these are chambers made from well planned designs of torchure.. that suddenly become.. "VIVIDLY ALIVE!" "Don't do as I do..Do as I say do" should be A-Merry-KKKa's national anthem." RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A Virginia judge on Wednesday set a Nov. 10 execution date for John Allen Muhammad, mastermind of the 2002 sniper attacks in the Washington, D.C., area that left 10 dead. Prince William County Circuit Court Judge Mary Grace O'Brien chose the date during a teleconference with lawyers in the case Wednesday morning, said Jon Sheldon, an attorney for Muhammad. He said Muhammad plans to ask Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) for clemency and to file an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court, his last remaining legal options after a federal appellate court rejected his latest appeal last month. If those efforts fail, Muhammad probably will be strapped to a gurney at the Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, administered a series of three drugs and pronounced dead, which is Virginia's method of executing prisoners by lethal injection. Virginia inmates can choose lethal injection or the electric chair, but under state law, inmates who make no choice automatically die by lethal injection -- and most executions are carried out by that method. All OF THOSE killers were given LIFE. SICK SHI# RIGHT? but- " maybe the 1 who dies 1st is relieved of his demons 1ST." MAYBE? Read The Rest Of This Insanity HERE

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